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5 Exercises for Sexual Healing

5 Exercises for Sexual Healing
Current Status
Not Enrolled

Course Description

Sexual energy is creative life force energy; it has the power to create life and it has the power to heal.

In this course, Chantelle Raven guides practices to unlock your sexual essence and open to the healing power of love through self-connection, communication and foundational sacred sexuality practices.

  • Empower yourself to heal sexual trauma through validating your story and sharing your experience with love
  • Create safety to explore sexuality through healthy boundaries and communication practices
  • Reclaim your feminine power and sexual innocence through powerful womb and energetic cleansing practices
  • Embrace orgasmic energy and the sacredness of sexuality to unlock the power of embodied healing using lovemaking as a healing modality
  • Reclaim your ability to open to love through breast/heart connection and self-pleasure practices