Experience More Connection, Intimacy & Juicy, Sensual Pleasure in Your Own Body & Your Partners With Sacred Sexuality



✔ Step by step video lessons

✔ Access to private community

✔ 12 guided somatic meditations

✔ Tailor made daily practice

✔ 150 page all inclusive course manual

✔ Weekly live Q&A sessions

Normal Price: $1,997.00

Save $1,519 for 48 Hours Only

What is it?

Sacred Sexuality is an 8 week, step by step program including detailed video lessons, live mentoring and an active community of women all committed to reprogram sexual conditioning and experience more love an intimicay.

Who is it for?

This program is designed for course owners wanting to grow their business to 6 & 7 figures. It works for any course owner, regardless of your prior skills, marketing knowledge or experience. 

How does it work?

You watch the step by step video lessons, complete the action items & use the tools & templates to implement the Growth Flywheel into your business to get new leads & sales on autopilot.

Access Sacred Sexuality Course Now & Experience More Juiciness, Sensuality & Pleasure in Your Own Body & With Partners


No longer settle for a mediocre sex-life or limited experience of pleasure.  Experience the powerful benefits of Tantra in this ground-breaking course that will completely transform your sensual relationship with yourself and others.

Previous price US$997.00


Or 2 x US$260.00

4.5/5.00 (100 Reviews)


Tara Meegan

Sacred Sexuality Course Participant

We’ve gone from romantic robotics to now every lovemaking session being a completely new journey which brings us closer together in magical ways.  Sex has become a wild, heartfelt, vulnerable and mystical experience which touches every part of my being. It is incredible what is possible with Tantric lovemaking! 

Georgia Rose

Sacred Sexuality Course Participant

I love the way that Sacred Sexuality 8 week course helped me to become so much more connected to my body, my heart and myself. I gained a lot of respect for myself during the course and an understanding of why I have engaged in unhealthy patterns with sexuality my whole life and how to honour myself instead. 

Rob Ferrari

Sacred Sexuality Course Participant

Sacred Sexuality has been the key to making a real change in my life. It is what keeps my sex life within intention and integrity and keeps it free from agenda, bypass or seeking validation. Instead of distracting myself with momentary pleasure, I now look at what is really going on in my life, see where my stress points are and address them myself outside of my sex life.

Sascha Martineau

Sacred Sexuality Course Participant

I’ve never felt more connected to my sexual energy, it now pulsates through me in all aspects of life. If you’re wanting to deepen your relationship with yourself and with lovers, this course is for you. 


It will absolutely change your life, and I couldn’t recommend it more highly!


Sacred Sexuality Course Participant

The Sacred Sexuality online course deepened my understanding on what it means to be a good lover whilst honouring my sexual journey with respect and appreciation.


I became more aware of what’s been blocking me to fully embody my desires, and healthy expression.

Rhianne Jade

Sacred Sexuality Course Participant

Sacred sexuality 8 week course has not only completely shifted my notions about what sex is but also shifted the foundational beliefs I held about what it means to be a woman.

 I turned from a very closed scared girl, to a woman who is empowered, feels her boundaries, states her boundaries and recognises sexual energy as the potent healing modality it IS.

“Sex has become a wild, heartfelt, vulnerable and mystical experience which touches every part of my being.​”

Sacred Sexuality is helping women connect deeply with themselves and their intimate partners.

From: Chantelle Raven

To: All women

Dear Course Creator,


You’ve poured your blood, sweet & tears into your course. You’ve spent many early mornings and late nights crafting each and every lesson to deliver the biggest possible impact on your students.


You’re confident your course is going to transform the lives of those who become your students.


This is your calling. You’ve been through the struggles and come out the other side, stronger and more resilient than ever. You’ve finally found success, and now it’s time to pass it on. It’s time to help those who were once in your shoes.


The course is ready. You’ve finally launched. It’s time to start making sales and helping students achieve the results they’re craving. 


There’s only one problem…


You have no idea how to get your course in front of the people who actually need it. 


You’ve posted on social media, sent an email to your list, and made your first few sales. It’s time to grow, but everyday is a “hustle”. 


You’ve tried some strategies from the “Guru’s” on Youtube and Facebook, yet your still not making any sales. 


Don’t worry, you’re not alone! In fact, this is the exact journey most Course Creators go through.


You’re an expert in your field. But you’re not a marketer.


You could hire a marketing agency, but you’ve heard horror stories from your entrepreneur friends…


Marketing Agencies promising the world, taking your money and then outsourcing the work to another agency who is just as clueless…


Yes, this really does happen…


It’s a minefield out there, as hardworking course owners like yourself try to distinguish the true experts from the fakes, and more times than not, the only “result” you receive is a bad taste in your mouth…


…and worse than that, they’re spending all of your hard earned profits by throwing sh!t at the wall and seeing if something sticks…

That’s when you decide to learn marketing by yourself…

You start searching for the latest and greatest course on Facebook Ads & Sales Funnels so you can finally start getting some results.


But the only thing you find is the latest “Ninja Hacks Program” that will scale your biz to 1 Mil a month with some push-button software that will solve all of your problems


You’re not sure if this is legit, but the only way to find out is by jumping on a “Strategy call”, only to find it’s just a disguised sales call with a $5k-$10k price tag…


Do you take the risk and spend even more capital on something that may not deliver the results?


Will this program teach you everything you need to know, or will you still need to invest in 3-4 other courses and try to “plug everything together” to build a system that actually works?


Now you’re even more confused and wondering if you’ll ever find a trustworthy mentor that has the results and the actual system to get your business into the realm of 6 & 7 figures…

I understand your frustration…


In fact, i’ve worked with many course owners who came to me frustrated and overwhelmed, needing guidance and advice from someone who’s actually achieved the results first hand…


So here’s some good news for you 😎


I’m NOT a Marketing Agency, and i’m not about to sell you on a “bank-breaking” service that will over promise and under deliver.


You’ve had enough sleepless nights already… 


What I WILL do for you…


Is teach you the exact same system that i’ve PERSONALLY used to scale multiple 6 & 7 figure businesses over the last 5 years.


Yes, i’ve actually DONE THE WORK and achieved results for these clients.


I didn’t outsource a thing. Nada


I’ve spent the last 5 years absorbing knowledge like a sponge, developing high-profit strategies and executing them into businesses to deliver results. 

Now i’m teaching you everything i’ve learned…

It’s time for me to start serving and helping more course owners who deserve to know the truth…


The truth that so called “guru’s and experts” fail to leave out of their high ticket programs.


The truth that Digital Marketing really is a very simple yet powerful process, if you know how to apply it to your business in the right way.


And that’s exactly what i’m going to show you how to do…


Step by step, lesson by lesson…


In the RIGHT order, at the RIGHT time, with the RIGHT process.


This will be the only program you need to grow your business. 



8 Studio-Video Teachings with Chantelle Raven

Chantelle shares potent Tantric teachings in over 22 hours of high-quality videos. This content provides you with the foundational understanding of how to master your sexuality so that you can be in your full pleasure potential.

12 Powerful Guided Audio Practices & Somatic Meditations

For any transformation to be lasting, it needs to happen at a body-based level, not just through the mind.   So for each module you receive audio practices guided by Chantelle that enable your nervous system to re-calibrat

A Daily Practice to Shift Old Patterns & Embrace New, Healthy Ones

The first 20 minutes of your morning can shape how your entire day unfolds. Committing to this proven, daily self-practice for 8 weeks is a game changer in the way you relate to your sexuality and the amount of organismic bliss you can open to.  You won’t want to miss a single day! 

150 Page All-Encompassing Course Manual

Not only do you get video footage and audio practices, you ALSO receive a comprehensive manual with each week’s teachings, homework and step-by-step practices to keep you on track and inspired.  Any time during the course, or for years to come, if you need a little reminder, flip open this manual and you’ll have a wealth of information and guidance at your finger tips.

Life-Time Access to the Online Course Material

That’s right! This course is yours to keep for a lifetime! As we move through different stages in life, it’s extremely powerful to re-access this content when you need it the most, to keep your sex-life on track.

Access to a Private Embodied Awakening Academy Online Support Group

Be part of a private, supportive online community where Chantelle and our trained team answer your questions. There are so many women experiencing exactly what you’re going through or have been through, and to support each other in any challenges or breakthroughs is hugely rewarding and healing for all.

Live Q&A session with Chantelle Raven every fortnight!

Chantelle will be going LIVE in the private support group every fortnight to answer your questions directly.  Videos of these Q&A sessions will be accessible to you for the week to keep you inspired, motivated and on track with your journey into embodying your full pleasure potential.

Here’s my promise to you…

I am so confident in this program that i’m giving you 30 days to try it out, RISK FREE!

Watch the lessons, implement what I teach you and do the work. If you still don’t see how this program will transform your business, simply let me know and i’ll refund you in FULL.


The truth is, if this program doesn’t help you, I don’t want your money. We will shake hands & part ways, and you’ll have your investment back. 

Your purchase is secured by a…

100% Money Back Guarantee!

So don’t let this opportunity pass you by…


Click the button below to get started immediately 👇

And transform your sex life in just 8 weeks!



My gosh – when I look back at lovemaking with my partner before studying Sacred Sexuality to where it is now, there is absolutely no comparison.  We’ve gone from romantic robotics to now every lovemaking session being a completely new journey which brings us closer together in magical ways.  Sex has become a wild, heartfelt, vulnerable and mystical experience which touches every part of my being. It is incredible what is possible with Tantric lovemaking! 

A huge part of the journey for me was working with the trauma that was stopping me from opening to joy and pleasure. Having this course on how to work through this healing process has been invaluable. Am so grateful for this work. Thank you! 

Tara Meegan

Sacred Sexuality Course Participant

I love the way that Sacred Sexuality 8 week course helped me to become so much more connected to my body, my heart and myself. I gained a lot of respect for myself during the course and an understanding of why I have engaged in unhealthy patterns with sexuality my whole life and how to honour myself instead. 

It’s such eye opening content that I really wish someone had taught me 20 years ago. I often felt like I owed men my body or had to have sex to prove myself as desirable or worthy. I had sex out of obligation, guilt, pity or just to escape myself and fill a void.

I’ve learnt a whole new way of engaging sexually and healing the hurts of the past so I feel empowered, safe and alive in the bedroom. 

Georgia Rose

Sacred Sexuality Course Participant

Sacred Sexuality has been the key to making a real change in my life. It is what keeps my sex life within intention and integrity and keeps it free from agenda, bypass or seeking validation. Instead of distracting myself with momentary pleasure, I now look at what is really going on in my life, see where my stress points are and address them myself outside of my sex life. I also see what truly brings me joy and I celebrate that too. 

It is from this place that I can bring my true and authentic self to my lover. Sacred Sexuality has shown me that sex is something that should be revered. When my lover does the same and we connect from this place, then we know that our sexuality truly is sacred.

Rob Ferrari

Sacred Sexuality Course Participant

This course has been transformational for me. It has given me full permission to own my sensuality, it has given me the confidence and freedom within my own body to own my boundaries, to discover my sense of Self and has allowed me to connect to my heart and my genitals in way that is truly profound. I’ve never felt more connected to my sexual energy, it now pulsates through me in all aspects of life. If you’re wanting to deepen your relationship with yourself and with lovers, this course is for you. 

It will absolutely change your life, and I couldn’t recommend it more highly!

Sascha Martineau

Sacred Sexuality Course Participant

The Sacred Sexuality online course deepened my understanding on what it means to be a good lover whilst honouring my sexual journey with respect and appreciation. 

I became more aware of what’s been blocking me to fully embody my desires, and healthy expression.

I gained tools to live my sexuality in a new way; with more clarity, authenticity and openness.

Raven’s teachings have been a blessing in my journey. I feel empowered to now access my unique powers, and explore wild and holy love making.


Sacred Sexuality Course Participant

This is so much more than a course on sex. Sacred sexuality 8 week course has not only completely shifted my notions about what sex is but also shifted the foundational beliefs I held about what it means to be a woman.

I turned from a very closed scared girl, to a woman who is empowered, feels her boundaries, states her no and her yes and recognises sexual energy as the potent healing modality it IS.

Rhianne Jade

Sacred Sexuality Course Participant






Where does sexual fear, guilt and shame originate from in your life? Does it stem from mainstream education, constrictive beliefs in your family, or religious beliefs?  Chantelle gives you the tools and practices to  shed any unhealthy or limiting beliefs and patterns that can influence your relationship to sexuality.  This week you will awaken to an open, loving acceptance of your sexual nature, desires and passion that is your birth right!


Whether you are in a male or female body, you hold the essence of both masculine and feminine energies within your being. This week you will learn how to deeply know yourself and cultivate these two energies, to create wholeness within.  This means the end of reaching to others for the qualities that are missing in yourself, including your sexual fulfillment.  It is then that you will radiate in your sensual aliveness, confidence and playfulness, knowing how to not only pleasure yourself, but another at a much deeper level than ever before.


The power of your sexuality is not only in your genitals, it is also in your heart. When you can utilise sexual energy as a force that radiates from both your sex center and your heart center, you will create a safe container that can hold much deeper intimacy and pleasure for yourself and with another.  Exploring the practice of sublimation, you will cultivate the freedom to take the focus off genital orgasm and reactive responses, into an experience of full-body aliveness where pleasure and ease circulate through your entire being.


At the center of our sexuality is our Sacral chakra, where our unprocessed emotions are stored: our fear, guilt and shame as well as past traumatic experiences. To open up spaciousness for pleasure, bliss and sensuality to enter our lives, we must be willing to release the energy stored at our Sacral chakra that no longer serves us. This week you will learn how to tune into, honour and clear your Sacral chakra so you may enter deeper intimacy with yourself, your lover, your emotions, your power, your vulnerability, your creativity, and the Earth.


​The first step to enticing desire from another, is to entice your own desire, as when you feel sexy and confident in your own skin, that energy radiates out and magnetises people towards you. Learning how to feel sexy isn’t just about what you look like, no matter how much our culture is glued to that belief, it’s about how you think and feel about yourself, and becoming your own beloved and best lover. This week you will learn how to authentically entice desire from another, by coming into your unique expression of radiance, aliveness, confidence and receptivity.


When you know what your boundaries are and how to assert them healthily, you’ll be able to show up in your relationships with a sense of self-worth and value that teaches others how to attune to you physically, verbally, emotionally and energetically.  This week you’ll be learning how to move beyond the fear of rejection or losing love, by honouring yourself and speaking your authentic ‘Yes’ and ‘No’. This means no longer holding resentment, anger and fear in your body from doing things you didn’t really want to do.  This means speaking your truth through healthy communication, which is essential for deep trust and intimacy in and out of the bedroom. 


This week we explore the gift of surrender, where rather than trying to control people or situations and being attached to outcome, you can just let go, trust in life, trust in your beloved and trust your own intuition to guide you. Translated inside the bedroom, this means you let go of a goal orientated expectation towards orgasm, and instead embarking on a mystical journey together where a man can penetrate a woman with his presence, and she trusts him with her receptivity. By doing so a new level of sexual chemistry is activated that takes lovemaking into new dimensions.


Tantric massage is an ancient healing tool that is profoundly healing, spiritual and erotic. It can give us an experience of our essential nature and can be just as transformative for the giver as it is for the receiver. With Tantric massage intention is everything. You’ll be guided with teachings and techniques to  feel the devotional space of fully showing up for someone in loving presence, without any agenda, to let love, intimacy and intuition flow. This will open the scope for incredible transformation, tenderness, connection and authenticity to be present, which is one of the greatest gifts that can be shared between two lovers.

Payment Plan



(total cost US$520)

11 studio quality videos

audio practice mediations

150 page written manual

Lifetime access to the course

30 day money back guarantee

Safe and secure check out

One Time Payment



Previous price US$997.00

11 studio quality videos

audio practice mediations

150 page written manual

Lifetime access to the course

30 day money back guarantee

Safe and secure check out





The course runs over 8 weeks. Each of the 8 modules is structured and released on a weekly basis to maximise your retention and embodiment of the teachings in this course.

Our intention for this course is to give you an embodied and integrated journey where you acquire the understanding and practical awareness required to create lasting change in your life! We have found through running our in-person 8 week courses, a minimum of a week per module is required for a deep level of embodiment and cellular integration to occur. The mind will want to try and ‘achieve’ and finish as quickly as possible, but it’s the body that we need to focus on. Trust the journey and enjoy the pace!

That’s O.K – it’s important to go at your own pace! Through running our live events, we have found that it takes a minimum of one week to integrate the teachings of each module. If you’re feeling like you’re not keeping up, you can slow it down and start each module when you’re ready.

We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us within 30 days of purchase and we will give you a full refund.

How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like – across any and all devices you own.

You get FREE access to our Private Online Support Group where Chantelle Raven will be answering all your questions with a live Q&A fortnightly.  

Payment Plan



(total cost US$520)

Save $1,477

11 studio quality videos

audio practice mediations

150 page written manual

Lifetime access to the course

Safe and secure check out

One Time Payment



Previous price US$1997.00

Save $1,519

11 studio quality videos

audio practice mediations

150 page written manual

Lifetime access to the course

Safe and secure check out

Payment Plan



(total cost US$520)

11 studio quality videos

audio practice mediations

150 page written manual

Lifetime access to the course

30 day money back guarantee

Safe and secure check out

One Time Payment



Previous price US$997.00

11 studio quality videos

audio practice mediations

150 page written manual

Lifetime access to the course

30 day money back guarantee

Safe and secure check out

© Embodied Awakening Academy. All Rights Reserved.