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Chantelle Raven

Chantelle Raven

Chantelle is the Founder and a lead teacher and Tantric practitioner with the Embodied Awakening Academy.

Chantelle has a passion for spiritual awakening, a deep love for people and a unique understanding of the psyche, the body and sexuality. Originally trained as a lawyer (LLB, University of Melbourne) with Hons in Philosophy, Chantelle went on to complete two years training in Rudolf Steiner Education, followed by the completion of a certificate in Holistic Counselling. A committed mother of two, her career started in wellness and women’s health whilst at the same time pursuing a corporate career, working her way up to become CEO of an interstate sales business. When Chantelle experienced a massive personal health crisis (cervical cancer) she then placed all her time and commitment into the alternative healing arts where she uncovered her heart’s vocation in Tantra.

Not long after surrendering to her calling, Chantelle trained with one of the world’s largest contemporary sacred-sexuality training organisations.  After supporting on trainings for several years and learning under some of the best Tantra Teachers in the world, she became a facilitator and trainer, covering Australia, Europe, Asia and the Middle-East. Chantelle has been working in the field of human development for almost two decades now and has dedicated her life to supporting individuals and groups across the planet to awaken consciousness in our sexuality and in our bodies, to release sexual trauma and de-armour blocks in the subtle body, to bring more awareness to the relationship between the inner and outer masculine and to awaken the deep feminine in women’s work.

Chantelle resides in Bali with the EAA team, balancing her professional life of writing, private-practice, facilitating women’s work, workshops and travel with her much beloved family.  She has a particular interest in supporting women to deepen in their love for themselves and others, and does so through The Living Tantra Series, as well as residential and online trainings and coaching.