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Enticing A Woman’s Desire


Whilst enticing a man’s desire is most easily done through sensuality, enticing a woman’s desire is most easily done though romance and opening her heart.

When most guys want to entice a woman’s desire or do something romantic, they usually buy her flowers, lingerie, perfume or chocolates and take her out to dinner.  This usually happens only on special occasions like birthdays, anniversaries, and Valentine’s Day, or to say sorry.  While there’s nothing wrong with these gifts/gestures, or this timing, they do lack creativity, and romantic effort does not have to be confined to these occasions.

So, first of all, stop thinking about being romantic as something for special occasions only.

Here are some ideas for being romantic and enticing a woman’s desire (which can be applied wether you are a man or a woman with a female lover or beloved):

  • Consistency

If you really want to be more romantic, you need to make that effort every day. It doesn’t take much. It’s the little things that make a big difference like a romantic text message in the middle of the day, opening the door for her, leaving a note left somewhere that she’ll find later, or any other sweet way of telling her you love her.  Putting on a beautiful song and pulling her up to dance is also a winner!

  • Be spontaneous 

Any romantic gesture you make will be better-received when it’s unexpected. Next time you know both of you will have some free time, surprise her with an impromptu picnic at a beautiful spot in nature and/or while you watch the sunset.  Take her for a walk, give her a massage, or find some great show or movie to take her to.

  • Book a holiday

Traveling together is a great way to spend uninterrupted, carefree time being playful and intimate.  Whether you go around the world or a few hours away, a holiday is always romantic. Not everyone can just up and decide to spend a week in the Caribbean, but a simple camping trip can be just as passionate as an expensive or elaborate trip.

  • Do something different

Take her somewhere where she can experience something she has never experienced before or that she rarely gets to experience.  Somewhere different and special.  Perhaps a new cuisine, a new art museum, a new place in nature, a performance, opera, symphony or a film festival.  Exploring new things together is fun and the feminine loves to be surprised with life’s wonders.

  • Break out of your normal ways 

Doing the same thing over and over can bore the feminine.  If it feels like this is starting to happen, make an effort to spice things up.  Do something you don’t usually do.  If you don’t usually share a lot about your feelings, open up and share.  If you are usually very quiet, take up more space or if you are usually the life of the party, come into a bit more stillness and quiet. If you are usually tight with money, splash out.  Radical discontinuity can go a long way to get a woman’s interest!

  • Surprise her and make her dinner every now and then

A home cooked meal, a few candles, some nice music and a bottle of wine will tickle her pink!  She will totally appreciate the effort you have gone to, especially if you have sourced out a recipe that has the ingredients of her favourite foods or cuisine.

  • Massage 

A massage, even if just on her neck and shoulders, is so beautiful to receive. A good foot massage is also one of the best things in life!  If you want to go all out, take some massage oils to bed and give her a Tantric massage (look out for the next blog for more info on how this is done).  Tease her whole body and if she is open, make love to her nice and slowly before ravishing and taking her.

  • Initiate a new shared interest.

Take the initiative on starting a new activity together. It can be anything really – a dance lesson, something creative, singing, meditation, wine tasting, exercise of some sort. Something you know you will enjoy together. Unless you’re sure she’ll like it, don’t just sign up and surprise her with it. Bring it up as something you’d like to do together. Even if it’s not her thing, she will appreciate you showing initiative.

  • Don’t think of being romantic as a chore

…or something you have to do. It’s a way to get more out of your relationship, a way to be happier together, and a way to keep things fun and adventurous.

Let us know how you go with this.

With Love,

Xx Chantelle

* * *

If you’re looking to explore Tantra in your relationship deeper, then check out our upcoming Living Tantra Retreat in Bali next March. Much more than a spiritual vacation, the Living Tantra Retreat is an opportunity for rapid transformation in your relationship with Yourself, a Beloved and with Spirit. During this retreat, we cover Relationship Tantra where you can learn inner Union so that outer Union with a beloved can be experienced. Discover how to make your relationship with your own inner feminine & masculine a priority so your relationships reflect two whole beings coming together in celebration.

Also, if you are based in Perth, we have regular events including Temple Nights, hosted by Eliyah Practitioner Georgia Rose, as well as guest facilitators, which are based on ancient Tantric traditions of gathering in sacred space to celebrate and worship love, the heart space, our sensuality, one another and our connection to the divine. It is where we unite, within and without. These monthly Temple Nights are for anyone who deeply desires to awaken deeper into their heart and sexuality and to connect authentically to others – where all of us is welcome, where we have a place to celebrate, play, laugh, explore, open our hearts and allow ourselves permission TO JUST BE COMPLETELY, 100%, UNASHAMEDLY OURSELVES.

Upcoming events in Perth:

Nov 16th with Guest Facilitator Jason Bart

Dec 8th with Georgia Rose

Picture of Chantelle Raven

Chantelle Raven

Chantelle raven is a gifted healer and sought after international speaker on sacred relationship and sacred sexuality. Her mission is providing education in radical self-responsibility and the sacred dance of masculine and feminine within and without.