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The Art Of Loving Men – Bali

  • Date

    06 – 07 Jan 2024

  • Time

    10:00 AM — 7:00 PM

  • Location

    Ubud, Bali

    Location to be emailed upon ticket purchase.

What happens when women let go of the stories they tell themselves about men?

What exists when we can love a man without an agenda or the need to control him?

What is possible when we can deeply surrender and trust ourselves enough to fully trust a man?

In this two day immersive workshop, Internationally Renowned Tantra Teachers, Aaron Kleinerman & Tara Meegan, will dive deep with you in exploring how to let go of your protective armor and be open to loving with a transparent, receptive, trusting heart.

We will journey into this through experiential Tantric and Conscious relating practices THAT WORK.

We will also be guiding you into how to truly hold a man – all of him. You will have an opportunity to practice what you learn within a sacred ritual that male volunteers will join us for in the late afternoon of the second day of the workshop.

This day is experiential. This is about real life.

This is about real opening to the innate surrender and trust that every woman longs to experience.

This is about real honoring and real worship of men and our own inner masculine.

** For men, you have an opportunity to attend the final Ritual for the day and come along to The Art of Loving Women Workshop at the end of March 

This is about letting go of everything you think you know about men and leaning into your own brilliant ability to deeply love the masculine.

Art Of Loving Men Worship Ritual

On the afternoon of the second day,  we will invite men to come into the temple to be worshiped in a sacred ritual. This will integrate the teachings you have learned.

If you have a partner, you will be welcome to invite him to be part of the ritual and to be partnered with you exclusively if you prefer. If you do not have a partner to invite, we will have a group of incredible men that we will be inviting to join us in the ceremony.

If you plan to bring your partner for the second half of the day then we will have you fill in their name at the time of purchasing the ticket.

This part of the workshop is to bring men and women together in love, honor and reverence and this is a potent and powerfully healing ritual.

You can read the testimonials below from recent Art of Loving Men Worship Rituals to give you an idea of what you may experience.

Please come with your intention for healing as well as experiencing and learning.

Please note, although this is a workshop based around intimacy, nudity is not required and there will be no genital touch practices.

What becomes possible when we heal past painful and unhealthy experiences with men?

Who Is This For

Any and every woman! Single, in a relationship or looking for a relationship.

Women who want to understand men and connect to them on a much deeper level.

It is for women who would like to learn more about how sacred sexuality can awaken and liberate a man’s heart.

If you work with men intimately, this workshop is highly recommended for you, you will be welcome to share the practices with your clients.

We Will Explore...

Workshop Details:






Larinda Lehman (EA Academy Manager):

Your Facilitator

Tara Meegan

Tara has been studying and working with the Embodied Awakening Academy for the last 9 years. Mentoring privately with Chantelle Raven, she immersed herself in the teachings and practices of Tantra, to embody the synthesis of Psychology, Philosophy and Shamanism with Tantra, that the Academy is renowned for.

Pre-Tantra, Tara spent 10 years living on & off in India, which inspired a deep devotional calling to be of service to humankind. Initially this was expressed in her Kirtan and Bhajan singing that she led throughout India, Australia and Bali. However, this yearning found it’s fulfilment when she joined the Embodied Awakening Academy and became part of its global movement, offering international Tantra retreats, online courses and private sessions to spiritual seekers.

Tara’s journey with the Academy has been a profound metamorphosis in every aspect of her life – healing depression, chronic pain, addiction, childhood & sexual trauma, unhealthy relationship dynamics and ingrained limiting beliefs. These massive shifts in her life were the inspiration to leave her job as a Doctor in Marine Ecology and channel her compassion, energy and skills into her heart’s calling: to co-create an Academy that guides people in complete safety, integrity, and professionalism to live an extraordinary life.

Tara’s energy, knowledge and passion will inspire you to change the way you look at yourself, relationships, love, sensuality, spirituality and the emotional body, in ways that will remind you of who you really are.

For more information on Tara and the Embodied Awakening Academy
Visit: https://embodiedawakeningacademy.com

Aaron Kleinerman

Aaron Kleinerman is a Master Coach, Relationship expert, Facilitator & Speaker. He is the lead male teacher for the Embodied Awakening Academy, a Tantric Practitioner, creator of several online courses for men & the author of international best-selling book “The Embodied Man.” He has learned from the great masters in the field of sexuality and transformation, including earning a master’s degree in spiritual psychology.

Aaron went from being a licensed captain navigating ships to a sexual behavior and movement specialist navigating souls. His workshops, retreats, sessions and speeches help humans integrate body movement, psychology, sexuality and spirituality. He speaks and teaches honestly and transparently so that others can unlock the real reason for their human existence.

Aaron’s mastery as a teacher provides the practical tools everyone needs to implement embodied awakened intelligence into daily life.

Terms and Conditions

* Ticket payments are non-refundable
* Cancellations: Strictly no refunds
* You may transfer your spot to someone else, but this is your responsibility to organize.

Health Disclaimer & Liability

We may engage in practices that require some gentle movement – if you have any serious injuries now or in the last 5 years, or health issues that may interfere with your participation, please discuss this with the facilitator (Tara Meegan).

You are responsible for your own health and wellbeing during this evening. The facilitator (Tara Meegan) or Embodied Awakening Academy will not be held liable for any injury or other medical, physical, mental or emotional issues that may arise, are sustained or aggravated during or after this event.