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The Art Of Loving Women – Bali

  • Date

    23 – 24 Mar 2024

  • Time

    10:00 AM — 7:00 PM

  • Location

    Ubud, Bali

    Location to be emailed upon ticket purchase.

What Is The Art of Loving Women?


Would you like to be guided step-by-step toward the mastery of masculine presence and authentic Tantric sexuality? 
Transformation will occur not through the mind, but through access to the primal energy of your own deep being. 

So ask yourself, do you want to:

– Become more confident in the way you interact with women? 
– Discover how to open a woman’s heart and entice her authentic desire? 
– Love a woman without fearing her emotional body or the need to tame or control her? 
– Understand the difference between love vs sex vs romance 
– Communicate with loving awareness, without losing your balls! 

This AND MORE is possible! In this 2-day workshop, Aaron Kleinerman & Arja Hendrikx will dive into the exploration of the innate differences between men and women, initiating men into the Tantric art of loving women. 

TANTRIC GRATITUDE CEREMONY: This will be an experiential journey and is about real life. The workshop will end with a powerful ceremony where women will come into the workshop space and you will have an opportunity to practice the conscious, loving presence you have cultivated throughout the day to gain a woman’s trust and open her to surrender. This is an honoring and worship of women and your own inner feminine. 

Art Of Loving Women Worship Ritual

At the end of the second day, we will invite women to come into the temple to be worshiped in a sacred ritual. This part of the workshop is to bring men and women together in love, honor and reverence and this is a potent and powerfully healing ritual. 
This will integrate the teachings you have learned. 

IF YOU HAVE A PARTNER, you will be welcome to invite her to be part of the ritual and to be partnered with you exclusively if you prefer. If you do not have a partner to invite, we will have a group of incredible women that are part of Bali’s Tantric community to join us in the ceremony. 
The Art of Loving Men happens January 6 & 7 and women who sign up to this workshop, are invited to participate in this ritual.  
Please come with your intention for healing as well as experiencing and learning. 
Please note, although this is a workshop based around intimacy, nudity is not required and there will be no genital touch practices. 

Who Is This For

Any and every man! Men who want to understand women, connect to them and turn them on, on a much deeper level. Men who want to learn more about how sacred sexuality can awaken and liberate women’s hearts. 
If you work with women professionally, this workshop is also highly recommended for you, you will be welcome to share the practices with your clients. 
NOTE: The Art of Loving Men is running at the beginning of January, for those women who are wanting to learn the female version of this. 

We Will Explore...

Discover how to open a woman’s heart and entice her authentic desire.

Workshop Details:






Larinda Lehman (Event Host)

Your Facilitators

Arja Hendrikx

Arja Hendrikx is a top-rated international tantra teacher & speaker who’s whose journey into the realms of spirituality began with a profound initiation by women within a hidden natural community.

Her journey started by releasing all her own shame, guilt & insecurities and shifting the way she related to her own body and the view she had of the world.

Her immersive path unfolded through months of direct experience, living and practising alongside these women, resulting in profound initiations into Tantra’s transformative arts.

Following years of dedicated daily practice, Arja’s voyage led her to the realm of Tantra’s sexual practices, an exploration that profoundly impacted her psyche.

After shedding societal shame and conditioning, Arja discovered a profound sense of confidence and liberation, embracing her innate sensuality and feminine power.

Guided by her unwavering commitment to the art of lovemaking and her profound reverence for sexual energy, Arja mastered the techniques to channel and direct this potent force, propelling her Tantric journey to new heights.

Driven by her transformative personal experience, Arja’s focus turned resolutely towards the intricate study of sexual energy, propelling her on a global quest to shift the unhealthy patterns & beliefs related to sexuality.

Today, Arja weaves this wealth of knowledge with her own profound practice and experiences, delivering invaluable teachings in Tantra and sexuality.

With an approach that marries grounded wisdom and spiritual inspiration, Arja offers practical, real-world examples and hands-on tools that empower you to unveil the magic within your own body.

Discover Arja Hendrikx as a catalyst for change, empowering through workshops, Tantra retreats, and impactful speaking engagements that redefine sexual empowerment, both globally and online.

Connect with her @arja_hendrikx and embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment like no other.

Aaron Kleinerman

Aaron Kleinerman is a Master Coach, Relationship expert, Facilitator & Speaker. He is the lead male teacher for the Embodied Awakening Academy, a Tantric Practitioner, creator of several online courses for men & the author of international best-selling book “The Embodied Man.” He has learned from the great masters in the field of sexuality and transformation, including earning a master’s degree in spiritual psychology.

Aaron went from being a licensed captain navigating ships to a sexual behavior and movement specialist navigating souls. His workshops, retreats, sessions and speeches help humans integrate body movement, psychology, sexuality and spirituality. He speaks and teaches honestly and transparently so that others can unlock the real reason for their human existence.

Aaron’s mastery as a teacher provides the practical tools everyone needs to implement embodied awakened intelligence into daily life.

Terms and Conditions

* Ticket payments are non-refundable
* Cancellations: Strictly no refunds
* You may transfer your spot to someone else, but this is your responsibility to organize.

Health Disclaimer & Liability

We may engage in practices that require some gentle movement – if you have any serious injuries now or in the last 5 years, or health issues that may interfere with your participation, please discuss this with the facilitator (Arja Hendrikx).

You are responsible for your own health and wellbeing during this evening. The facilitator (Arja Hendrikx) or Embodied Awakening Academy will not be held liable for any injury or other medical, physical, mental or emotional issues that may arise, are sustained or aggravated during or after this event.