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I’m finally understanding, with my beloved’s help, that my beauty is in my being not my appearance. 
When I truly open to my bliss body, I feel this most easily. In that deep dropping inwards, I have no real concern for my appearance, only for what is real in the moment, which is arising from within me.
I’m really working at the moment with allowing this energy to permeate all of my life. I’ve always found it is easy to drop into my feminine sexuality. Now it’s time to let her lead more in the day to day decisions and movements. Flowing with the fluidity of my feminine waves. Trusting and following my bliss. 
My masculine wants to get places fast, achieve goals and make plans. My feminine is soft, receptive and wants to move slowly in the direction her body takes her.
He is erect, strong, direct, alert and wants to move forward. She is curvy and wants to move in round, undulating movements, dropping deeper and deeper into a state of simply being in this moment.
I’m learning to let her lead more and more…it feels better. My inner union is becoming deeper again and more synchronised. He’s learning to trust her intuition, her flow, her joy and her spontaneous nature. She’s learning to trust his ability to provide, protect and take action when needed. 
The feminine is beautiful and that beauty comes from her internal radiance and ability to trust. At 41, I finally get that! Hallelujah!


The healthy feminine is playful, authentic, receptive, vulnerable, compassionate, surrendered, asks for what she needs, vibrates, flows, creates, is embodied, is open to feeling and to love, has heart-centred wisdom, is creative, nurturing and soft. The feminine is also a mystery and not easy to define so I’ve collected some quotes of what people wrote responding to the question I asked: When do you feel most feminine? 

“I feel the most feminine when I’m making love with my partner. When I’m open and let myself surrender to the intimacy between us.”

“Hard to say… cause I’m really doing my utter best to feel this way the most time! In my relation as a mother to my daughter, as a sacred wife to my husband, as a sacred prostitute in our polyamorous way of living, as a sister to my brother, as a friend to my straight friends…then I feel the most feminine!”

“When I’m naked and touching myself.”

“When I’m wearing my best clothes, dressed up and going somewhere special.”

“While dancing to beautiful music, allowing my body to sway to the rhythm and my hips to move in whatever way feels good.”

“I feel most feminine when I am dancing ecstatically, when I am moving through life with grace and power, and sharing wisdom and stories with my sisters, and when I am adorning my body in beauty. I feel feminine when I pamper myself with lingerie, oils and perfumes and when I sit and pray in front of my altar – I feel most like a woman when I am bleeding and on my moon cycle, also when I am making love to my partners. I love being a woman.”

“When I smell good and have sexy lingerie on.”

“I did feel most feminine when I was pregnant!”

“When I’m allowed to love others as I choose. I feel that in our society random kindness and love are undervalued. I also feel most feminine when I’m able to wear clothing that shows I am a woman but also that is not confining.”

“I feel my most feminine when I am practicing improvised movement/dance and I can move my body freely and sensually on the floor and in space.”

“Becoming a mother and also living with my husband teaches me great lessons of being feminine.”

“When suddenly a problem appears, for example when I argue with my beloved and he seems to be analytical. I get a deep connection with my femininity and surrender my body, soul and heart. And also while we are having sex… he lets me discover my feminine energy.”

“I feel most feminine when I’m in nature, in light flowing clothes with my beautiful family.”

“I feel most feminine when I dance!!! Also when I wear clothes I love, or beautiful jewellery…. In general, whenever I embody Beauty…whether through artistic expression, or movement or my unique radiance!!!”

“I feel most feminine in life with being with my very close girlfriends, wearing sexy feminine clothes and underwear… and of course when I am in a relationship with a man who respects me and sees me as a strong and powerful woman. Also, when I’m dancing – expressing my feelings and my femininity.”


Whether the waters are murky or clear, can you breathe deeply and connect to your feminine? 

Can you trust Her, accept Her, feel Her and allow the vibration of whatever’s alive in your womb and solar plexus to vibrate?

Can you consult Her intuitive wisdom and bow before Her with as much humility as you bow before logic and reason?

Can you let Her guide your actions? 

If you want to stop numbing and start feeling, please listen to Her. If you want to become authentic, follow your bliss and trust your heart, please listen to Her. 

Dive..let her DANCE.. allow the liquid flow of her mystery to guide you.

* * *

If you are drawn to feeling the full depth of your feminine flow, then our Being Woman retreat in Tiruvannamalai, India this coming November is a beautiful offering to explore this further. You will experience deep intimacy with yourself, allowing you to embody the different feminine energies known as Archetypes – Lover, Warrior, Mother, Priestess and Queen. Working with the transformative power of Hindu Goddesses and receiving initiations through sacred land journeys to the holy Arunachala Mountain and Ramana’s stunning temple, this will be an experience of a lifetime that touches your heart and ignites your soul forever. 

For details and bookings click HERE.


You can also watch this video below about embodying the feminine archetypes. The feminine path of spirituality is largely the embodiment of these four archetypes which culminate in the Queen. 

With Love,

Xx Chantelle


Chantelle Raven

Chantelle Raven

Chantelle raven is a gifted healer and sought after international speaker on sacred relationship and sacred sexuality. Her mission is providing education in radical self-responsibility and the sacred dance of masculine and feminine within and without.