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Unleash the Power of Tantra for

Healing & Expansion


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Watch as Chantelle, Tara, Erin, and esteemed Academy students share how Tantra goes beyond traditional healing methods and how it encompasses different modalities to help you create a practice that empowers you & your
clients to embody your full potential of power, ease, love, freedom, and pleasure.


During This Session

We Cover

How Tantra as a healing modality blends with other modalities to complement and enhance your client’s healing journey (either online or in-person) in a somatic way, by addressing issues that cover the entire spectrum of the human experience.

An overview of the training’s 12 modules that focus on the major themes of: Inner Union, Shadow Work, Sexual Healing, Couples Work and Shamanic Energetics.

How this training guides you towards a soul-aligned career, and an embodied wealth mindset and reality.

Recorded online sharing from successful practitioners who have completed our training and witnessed profound transformations in their own lives and those of their clients.


What Our Practitioners

said about us

A Note From Raven

hey there!

Raven here with an exciting invocation to watch the recorded information session on touch and practitioner training. Get ready to dive deep into the realness of life and the power of Tantra as a healing modality.

Tantra is not just an ancient practice or about conscious sexuality – it’s a path to embodying your awakening and embracing all aspects of life. In this 12-month training, I’ve crafted a contemporary interpretation of Tantra that combines mysticism with grounded science, allowing you to integrate healing and wholeness into every aspect of your life.

In our recorded online session, I’ll share insights on the four main themes of the training and answer your burning questions. This work takes you on a quantum leap towards embodied transformation in mind, body, emotions, spiritual realms, and relationships.

Come understand how and why, and feel into the truth of it for yourself.


With love and excitement,


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to the replay and learn how to catapult your work into an
embodied & awakened Tantra practice that transforms
every aspect of your life, as well as your clients’.

free info session replay