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Tantra Practitioner Training Old1

Tantra Practitioner Training

You’re doing the healing work in your own life. Now learn the tools to go really deep and help others on that journey.

Learn what the masters know in our new Tantra Practitioner Training.

March 2023 – February 2024

You’re already on the healing journey. You’ve already made great shifts.

You want to go deeper…

There are shadows and stuck emotions you want to digest. You still carry fears around love, sexuality, and relationships that you wish to heal. Big decisions you need to move through. 

You want to learn the tools to do your inner work and have an innate desire to guide others in doing the same. 

You understand that the most successful healers embody their humanity and spirituality as one. They embody the very teachings they share with others. You want to learn how to really heal, how to facilitate genuine resets in your clients, and how to work with trauma in a safe and holistic way. 

You want to live the teachings, and finally step into your highest potential, rather than jumping from one self-development course to another.

You will learn everything you need to successfully work with individuals and couples, to help them safely digest trauma, find deeper intimate connections, break free from addiction, and live their purpose. This work can be facilitated with a client either online or in-person.

A 12-Month Tantra Practitioner Training

Unlock your transformation and help others uncover theirs. Commencing March 2023.

This powerful healing modality is embodied, grounded, and effectual.

With input from some of the field’s greatest masters, this tantra training will make you one of the best practitioners in the groundbreaking and growing field of Tantra.

Embodied Awakening’s unique practitioner approach is a synthesis of:

But How?

We invite you to become an Embodied Awakening Academy certified Tantra practitioner, to unlock the power within you and step into your full potential, making a great living doing what you love, while also being of highest service to humankind

This is one of the most rewarding ways to make a living there is.

A 12-month journey to learn the art of holistic transformation

March 2023 – February 2024

MODULE 1: Laying the foundations

Initiate your journey into the lineage of Tantra and receive the wealth of wisdom and healing tools it has to offer.

  • Traditional Tantra in a Contemporary Context
  • The importance of devotion and a stable practice
  • Working with Mantra, Yantra, and God/Goddess energy
  • The difference between being a master and a novice
MODULE 2: How to be a confident practitioner

Step into your role as a confident, focused, and authentic practitioner.

  • Setting up your practice room as a strong, sacred space
  • Moving beyond your fears and self-doubts
  • Releasing the agenda to ‘fix’ with loving presence
  • Mental health, addictions, and accountability
MODULE 3: Learn the session structure to support wholeness

Structure and sequence your sessions to facilitate high level transformation and integration.

  • Invocation – calling in mystical energies to become a channel for grace & healing
  • Conversation – asking the right questions & practicing the art of active listening
  • Activation – vibrating the emotional & sexual body to discharge trapped energy
  • Integration – digesting the healing, meditation, and re-wiring core beliefs
MODULE 4: Establish safety and integrity

Master the 2 key rules of healing—safety & integrity— to work skillfully with any type of trauma and client.

  • Navigating boundaries, consent, and attunement
  • Understanding trauma and the benefits of trauma release
  • Working with the nervous system and stress responses
  • The importance of discernment when working with sexual energy
MODULE 5: How to work with the unconscious

Access the disowned and denied aspects of your client’s psyche to facilitate breakthrough healing experiences.

  • Resolving debilitating beliefs and patterns
  • The emotional body as a gateway into the unconscious
  • Voice dialogue techniques to integrate denied aspects
  • Healing sexual trauma and embracing fears and desires
MODULE 6: Key bodywork protocols

Unique and essential techniques to heal emotional traumas in your clients that would otherwise go unacknowledged. Learn the Academy’s signature Body Work Protocols which utilize breath, sound, and movement to access the body’s natural wisdom:

  • Tantric Massage – elemental touch with loving presence to generate sexual energy throughout the entire physical and energetic body
  • Heart De-armoring & Breast Massage – inspires tenderness, self-love, and loosens self-protective armor built-up from past hurts
  • Inner Child Integration – Hold your client with healthy mother and healthy father energy to recapitulate and reparent at an embodied level
  • Awakening Kundalini – Spinal wave sequence to clear blockages and support fluidity through the major energy centers of the body
MODULE 7: Tantric practices for the feminine

Support women to overcome blockages and live in their feminine radiance, sensuality, and surrender.

  • Conversation and connection with Inner Masculine
  • Womb healing and releasing past lovers
  • Yoni attunement and guidance into hearing her ‘voice’
  • Connecting to authentic feminine bliss
MODULE 8: Tantric practices for the masculine

Support men to move through challenges so they can channel their sexual energy to embody power, presence, and stillness.

  • Sexual sublimation and releasing porn addiction
  • Self-pleasure and rewiring sexual guilt and shame
  • Initiating the divine masculine through meditation
  • Cultivating and trusting the inner feminine
MODULE 9: Essential communication practices for couples

Navigate the complex terrain of couple-dynamics with powerful models that will support your clients in healthy expression and resolution.

  • Sexual, emotional, and mental compatibility
  • Vulnerable sharing and reflective listening
  • Gratitude and making healthy requests
  • Releasing stress responses and role reversal
MODULE 10: Essential intimacy practices for couples

Powerful techniques to electrify your client’s connection and invite more passion and romance into their life.

  • Sexual polarity and the invisible partnership
  • Tantric merging with macrocosmic orbit
  • Exploring desires, fantasies, fears, and boundaries
  • Worshipful devotion and love appointments
MODULE 11: How to work with shamanic energetics

Weave Shamanism with Tantra to initiate your clients into becoming powerful creators of an extraordinary life.

  • Being a channel for grace and intuition
  • Guiding a shamanic journey
  • Working with the Chakra system
  • How to protect your energy field
MODULE 12: Becoming a master practitioner

Essential session tips that ensure your clients integrate their work with you and your business keeps growing.

  • Pre-Session: intake forms and discovery calls
  • Post Session: homework and testimonials
  • Feeling confident with charging what you’re worth
  • Utilizing your unique superpowers

Initiate your journey into the lineage of Tantra and receive the wealth of wisdom and healing tools it has to offer.

  • Traditional Tantra in a Contemporary Context
  • The importance of devotion and a stable practice
  • Working with Mantra, Yantra, and God/Goddess energy
  • The difference between being a master and a novice

Step into your role as a confident, focused, and authentic practitioner.

  • Setting up your practice room as a strong, sacred space
  • Moving beyond your fears and self-doubts
  • Releasing the agenda to ‘fix’ with loving presence
  • Mental health, addictions, and accountability

Structure and sequence your sessions to facilitate high level transformation and integration.

  • Invocation – calling in mystical energies to become a channel for grace & healing
  • Conversation – asking the right questions & practicing the art of active listening
  • Activation – vibrating the emotional & sexual body to discharge trapped energy
  • Integration – digesting the healing, meditation, and re-wiring core beliefs

Master the 2 key rules of healing—safety & integrity— to work skillfully with any type of trauma and client.

  • Navigating boundaries, consent, and attunement
  • Understanding trauma and the benefits of trauma release
  • Working with the nervous system and stress responses
  • The importance of discernment when working with sexual energy

Access the disowned and denied aspects of your client’s psyche to facilitate breakthrough healing experiences.

  • Resolving debilitating beliefs and patterns
  • The emotional body as a gateway into the unconscious
  • Voice dialogue techniques to integrate denied aspects
  • Healing sexual trauma and embracing fears and desires

Unique and essential techniques to heal emotional traumas in your clients that would otherwise go unacknowledged. Learn the Academy’s signature Body Work Protocols which utilize breath, sound, and movement to access the body’s natural wisdom:

  • Tantric Massage – elemental touch with loving presence to generate sexual energy throughout the entire physical and energetic body
  • Heart De-armoring & Breast Massage – inspires tenderness, self-love, and loosens self-protective armor built-up from past hurts
  • Inner Child Integration – Hold your client with healthy mother and healthy father energy to recapitulate and reparent at an embodied level
  • Awakening Kundalini – Spinal wave sequence to clear blockages and support fluidity through the major energy centers of the body

Support women to overcome blockages and live in their feminine radiance, sensuality, and surrender.

  • Conversation and connection with Inner Masculine
  • Womb healing and releasing past lovers
  • Yoni attunement and guidance into hearing her ‘voice’
  • Connecting to authentic feminine bliss

Support men to move through challenges so they can channel their sexual energy to embody power, presence, and stillness.

  • Sexual sublimation and releasing porn addiction
  • Self-pleasure and rewiring sexual guilt and shame
  • Initiating the divine masculine through meditation
  • Cultivating and trusting the inner feminine

Navigate the complex terrain of couple-dynamics with powerful models that will support your clients in healthy expression and resolution.

  • Sexual, emotional, and mental compatibility
  • Vulnerable sharing and reflective listening
  • Gratitude and making healthy requests
  • Releasing stress responses and role reversal

Powerful techniques to electrify your client’s connection and invite more passion and romance into their life.

  • Sexual polarity and the invisible partnership
  • Tantric merging with macrocosmic orbit
  • Exploring desires, fantasies, fears, and boundaries
  • Worshipful devotion and love appointments

Weave Shamanism with Tantra to initiate your clients into becoming powerful creators of an extraordinary life.

  • Being a channel for grace and intuition
  • Guiding a shamanic journey
  • Working with the Chakra system
  • How to protect your energy field

Essential session tips that ensure your clients integrate their work with you and your business keeps growing.

  • Pre-Session: intake forms and discovery calls
  • Post Session: homework and testimonials
  • Feeling confident with charging what you’re worth
  • Utilizing your unique superpowers

Enroll now to take advantage of our gifts

You’ll also receive FREE immediate access to the Embodied Awakening Academy’s existing 8-course library, to support your own inner journey and embodiment of Tantra in every aspect of your life.

8-WEEK Online Courses

Sacred Sexuality

Relationship Tantra

Ignite Your Power

Soul Centered Business

Short Courses

Sex, Money, Power

Achieve Mental Health

Exercises For Sexual Healing

5 Ways To Cultivate Magnetic Joy

What You Get

Online Study Program

12-month Tantra Practitioner curriculum including:

Essential session tips that ensure your clients integrate their work with you and your business keeps growing

Live Components

Monthly, live online teaching calls with Chantelle Raven, where you will be catapulted into your next-level embodiment of the teachings
Monthly, live online Q&A/training calls with Tara Meegan, to get expert advice on any of your questions or concerns as you progress through the content

Student Support

Private FB Student Support Group to connect with fellow students and the EAA support team Student Accountability Pods, with regular prompts to go deeper into the material with a small group of fellow students

Bonus Study Material

Plus, you get lifetime access once you sign up!

You will be an internationally certified Tantra Practitioner with the International Institute of Contemporary Therapies.

Be part of the Embodied Awakening Academy community.

Own your healing abilities and offer your unique coaching superpowers to your clients

Feel confident charging what you are worth

Be your own boss

Evolve and grow in your own life and become more deeply embodied as a Tantric practitioner

Meet Your Powerhouse Teachers

Chantelle Raven

Founder & Lead Teacher

Chantelle has a passion for spiritual awakening, a deep love for people, and a unique understanding of the psyche, the body, and sexuality. She has been facilitating workshops and retreats in the field of spirituality and Tantra for almost 20 years. A former teacher of personal development, she has spent the last 2 decades delving deeply into somatic therapy, shamanism, psychology, philosophy, meditation, self-inquiry, emotional freedom technique, and all things Tantra.

She is known internationally for her unique way of guiding 1000s of students to embody their awakening, working directly with their human- experience as the foundation for lasting and practical life-change.

“Raven is the best teacher I’ve ever had. She’s so down to earth and leads and walks her path. She embodies everything she teaches and is always growing and taking herself to the depths, which is what I love most.”

— Kristyn Rawson, Mother of 2 & Health Coach(Western Australia)

Tara Meegan

Supporting Teacher & Certified Tantra Practitioner

After exploring spirituality for over 20 years across Australia and India, Tara left a successful career in Marine Biology in 2018 to pursue her calling in the Tantric tradition.

Mentoring 1:1 with Chantelle Raven, she dived into all the Academy’s teachings, retreats, and practices, healing depression, chronic pain, addiction, childhood trauma, unhealthy relationship dynamics, sexuality blockages, and ingrained limiting beliefs. Alongside this journey she became the manager of the Academy, and one of the key teachers of the Academy’s workshops and retreats, and a certified Practitioner offering 1:1 Tantra sessions.

Dedicated to living Tantra in every aspect of the human experience, she shares her unique experience of Tantra with others, with her gifts of compassion, safety, grounded power, and grace.

“I love Tara’s teaching style and how she is a bridge between the teachings and what is possible when they are implemented. Her personal journey with Tantra is truly inspiring and makes me confident that it’s possible for me to have an extraordinary, meaningful and abundant life, doing truly transformative work in the world.”

— Jemma Atkins, Yoga Teacher (California, USA)

What Our Practitioners Say

Invest in your purpose, impact & freedom

Early BirdEnds Jan 20th 2023

Pay in Full

$13,000 USD

Early Access Bonus:

Pay in full and you will receive immediate access to the 8 week and short courses so you can start your learning today.

12 Month Payment Plan

$14,400 USD

Payment Schedule:

4 quarterly payments of $3,600 USD, starting from initial date of purchase.

StandardEnds Feb 28th 2023

Pay in Full

$15,000 USD

Early Access Bonus:

Pay in full and you will receive immediate access to the 8 week and short courses so you can start your learning today.

12 Month Payment Plan

$16,600 USD

Payment Schedule:

4 quarterly payments of $4,150 USD, starting from initial date of purchase.

Feeling called to this work?

Chat with our team & find out if it’s right for you

The training begins on March 1st, 2023 and is completed on Feb 29th, 2024.
When you provide evidence of completion of all the assessment requirements, you will receive a certificate of completion for the “Embodied Awakening Academy 600-hour Tantra Practitioner Training,” certified by the International Institute of Complimentary Therapies and signed by Chantelle Raven.

Proof of completion will include submitting your personal and client reflection forms, written question answers for each module, your recorded session video, and watching, listening to and reading all content in each module. You will have a month to submit your final assessment elements once the training is complete. Overall successful completion of the training will be reviewed and assessed within 8 weeks of final submission i.e., if you submit everything by March 31st, you will receive notification of your successful completion and graduation by May 31st. If you need more time this can be negotiated on a case-by-case basis.

However, you are also welcome to move through the course for personal study and not do the assessment tasks. This just means you won’t be able to practice as a certified EAA practitioner.

The course material will be 100% online. Some parts are pre-recorded and some parts are online via live teaching sessions where you can hear from Chantelle Raven, Tara Meegan and occasionally the EAA team. The live sessions are always recorded and uploaded to the Facebook group for later viewing.

You will access the course materials via our Online Learning Portal hosted by LearnDash. The lives and support groups are hosted on Facebook with links to Zoom for the live calls. If you have any technical difficulties our admin team are here to help you.

Depending on the pace you study, you will need to invest between 10-15 hours per week, to complete the training. You may also need a little extra time to complete the certification requirements. This training is meant for those who want to become masterful practitioners at the top of their game, and the time commitment reflects that. However, the program allows you to be very flexible in how you manage your time, as many of the components are self-study or self-practice that you can do whenever it suits you and if you can’t join the live interactive sessions then we share the recordings with you within 24 hours. As previously mentioned, if you are doing this for personal study, without the assessment, then the time investment would be less.

Take the time to check out the program info and also our website and social media pages to get a sense of the material and what the Academy stands for in the world and how we show up to support people’s Embodied Awakening. This is the foundation and energy that you will be held by during your training, and that you will be practicing within as a Tantric Practitioner, so it’s important you resonate with this. Additionally, you are welcome to book a free clarity and enrollment call with an EAA Senior Team Member to give you the space to ask all your questions and to decide if this program is the right fit for you.

General registration for the program is open until February 27th, 2023, and the program begins on March 1st, 2023. With limited numbers and a high level of interest in this program, we may sell out, so we encourage you to apply sooner rather than later.
Also, if you pay in full before 20th January 2023, you will have access to our EARLY ACCESS BONUS giving you immediate access to our 8-week and short courses so you can start your learning today!

This program is a deep dive container, and like any formal study program, there is a strong atmosphere of commitment. This work goes deep, and you will be undergoing a strong transformation process which requires dedication and time.

Therefore, there are no refunds just because you change your mind – regardless of when you choose to withdraw from the training.

For that reason, it is essential that you conduct your research and confirm that you are ready to undertake this work before you enroll.

You understand that once you have paid your deposit, you have committed to doing the work and paying for the full program.

Payment plans are offered to assist you in making this investment in your personal or business growth. You are required to complete payment in full, even if you choose to withdraw from the program while on a payment plan.

If you are prevented from participating in one of our programs due to extraordinary circumstances beyond your control, please contact us to discuss your situation. You may apply for a credit note up to 2 weeks before the training program commences, which may be granted at our sole discretion.

Credit may only be applied to an equivalent program and must be used within 24 months.

That said, there are many levels of support from the Academy during this training. We understand and are compassionate to the fact that people work and learn at different paces and capacities. If you are struggling with the material there are ways to access further support via the Q&A sessions, the Facebook Student Support and Accountability Pods as well as additional paid 1:1 mentoring from our Senior Team. We want to ensure that our graduates go out into the world actively engaged, highly passionate and well-practiced in this work so that they can spread the love and transformation possible to all.


– This purchase is non-refundable + you are trusting your desire to be involved.
– If you are using a payment plan, you are obligated to pay every quarter (3 months).
– The results you experience will come from your own effort and motivation. We do not guarantee results or earnings as a result of doing this training … although we are quietly confident this will change your life and we wholehearted welcome people that are passionate and energised about doing this work.

Please also refer to our full Terms and Conditions in full.

The Academy fully welcomes and celebrate lesbian, queer, bisexual and pansexual people and any other sexual identities, orientations and choices in this course. We fully embrace and celebrate LGBTQIA+ sexuality and want it to be fully included in Tantric work. In this program, it doesn’t matter what your sexual orientation is. We believe that all sexual orientations are healthy and natural expressions of human sexuality and we are continuously learning and aiming for deeper understanding.

We do acknowledge that the majority of our work comes from heteronormative teachers and traditional systems. As a result, the majority of the language in the program is heteronormative and/or gendered. If you feel okay and safe to adapting that to yourself and to how you might work with LGBTQIA+ clients in the future, then we fully support you joining this program.

If you join the program, we will welcome your feedback on how to be even more inclusive – with the understanding that when you are working with practices in the program, there will often times be heteronormative language. But as you learn the practices, you can easily adapt them to fully support yourself and your clients.

In our material and courses, we use the word woman for any person who identifies as a woman, regardless of their assigned sex at birth and we use the word man for any person who identifies as a man, regardless of their assigned sex at birth. We also fully welcome and celebrate non-binary folks to join this program. We acknowledge that gender is non-binary, fluid, and on a spectrum and support each individual’s right to live in alignment with their gender identity.

That being said, this course is gendered and uses gendered language and our teachings come from heteronormative teachers and traditional Tantric systems. Our desire is to be as inclusive of trans and non-binary folks as possible, but there are current limitations in the program content and material.

For instance, Module 7 covers Tantric Practices for the Feminine and relates to womb and yoni work (Yoni is the Tantric word for vagina). Module 8 covers Tantric Practices for the Masculine and relates to sexual sublimation and self-pleasure work with the lingham (Lingham is the Tantric word for Penis). We currently don’t have specific training for queer, trans and/or non-binary identities.

If you are non-binary or trans, feel into what you need to be safe. If you’re okay working with practices that are labeled “Men’s” and/or “Women’s” in a CIS-gendered, heteronormative, and traditional sense without the mentioning of non-binary or trans people in the content, and you feel supported to navigate and make the content applicable to your clients and community, then this program could work for you. However, if that doesn’t feel like enough safety or acknowledgment, we understand and respect that.