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Empowering you into embodied love and freedom

Tantra Transformation




A Comprehensive Bundle for Personal, Sexual and Relational Empowerment

Carefully curated to provide you an abundance of tools, including...

A Powerhouse of transformative Content

Contrary to popular belief, the quality of your life has little to do with what you do, how much money you earn, who you are with, or what other people are saying or doing. And everything to do with who you are!

The comprehensive content within this bundle will guide you into a depth of relating to yourself whereby you become your own best teacher, friend, lover and partner. From this space of inner richness, your capacity to create and nurture a life of connection, intimacy, abundance and happiness becomes a very natural extension of yourself.

Tantra transforms and it works for everyone who says YES to it. So say yes to yourself, and enjoy diving into this content and all it has to offer.

A Special Invitation from


Hello Beloved,

If you have been with me for a while, you know that
Tantra is not just what I love, it is what I live.
You will also know that Tantra is not about just sex. Tantra
is about everything – including sex!
Why do I love Tantra so much? Because whether we are
talking sex, emotions, relationship, money, it always
comes down to the same questions in the Tantric

Do I have the courage to

More than ever I am committed to my path of bringing Tantra to the world.

Why? Because right now, I believe that time is accelerated. Our frequency is higher and we have immense opportunities that are coming to us at a much faster speed. And I feel that the greatest of them is to TRANSFORM with the power of Tantra, into the full potential of our aliveness.

I want to extend a special invitation to you.

It is a collection of pre-recorded programmes and masterclasses  (Over 20 hrs of teaching content & guided meditations, as well as ebooks) that are incredibly practical as well as deeply spiritual. 
A bundle of transmissions, including powerful video and written material, that I created for you, to give you a deep and transformative experience that will change your life.   

Why did I create this bundle?

Because to me Tantra is the greatest, most potent spiritual path and method of personal development. 
As soon as we open the door to the full embodiment of our emotional and erotic energy, we open the door to something incredibly impactful. 
I want embodied awakening for all of humanity. I want erotic liberation for everyone, and Tantra is the key for unlocking our full transformative power on a fundamental level so we can let die what needs to die and commit to a greater truth.

Do you think you are ready for this?

I know you are. I know that if you’re reading this, you cannot bear to keep running all the patterns that no longer serve you. I know that you are ready to shine bright and live a new world with me. 

Love,Chantelle Raven x

Lifetime Access to Our Most Powerful Content


One of the simplest ways to find more joy in your life is by giving yourself the same love you give and want from others. That’s what these 4 embodied meditations(53 minutes total) are designed to support you in doing, through the following experiences:


4 Short Courses

These four short courses ($458 value) will expand your capacity to experience joy, ease, sensuality, abundance and authentic healing in your life and include:

Tantra 101 Journey

Tantra 101 offers a unique journey that guides you towards: emotional mastery, activating your power, inner child integration, self-sourcing safety and ease, sensual erotic embodimentTantric ritual and last but not least, fulfilling your dharma or supreme destiny in this lifetime. 

5 Tantric Masterclasses included in the bundle library

How to Be Irresistible to Men

Learn how to confidently communicate, magnetize, attract attention, and embody your feminine sensual energy.


How to Breakup with your Bullshit

This 2.5hr masterclass offers guidance on authentic communication, rewiring behavior patterns to move towards heart-centered, powerful living and more. Learn to let go of your fears and cultivate ease, awareness, and joy in your life.


How to Keep the Chemistry Alive in Relationships

In this 28 min masterclass you will discover skills and practices to bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be.


3 Tools to Becoming More Orgasmic

Demystify false myths around sexuality and learn key teachings from the tradition of Tantra to enhance your sexual pleasure.


Feminine Wisdom Codes

Expertly crafted with Tantra teachings, embodiment practices and activation, this class will help you understand how to foster nurturing relationships with yourselves, someone special, and life itself. No more settling for unfulfilling relationships – become the Queen you were born to be!

$111 VALUE

“Chantelle is the true embodiment of her teachings, she lives and breathes Tantra as a way of life.  She is the most devoted, outrageously loving, epically powerful, elegant, mystical, intelligent Mentor who truly supports you to come home to the beauty and magnificence of your iridescent Soul.

I wouldn’t be the empowered woman I am today without her brilliance and her influence in my life, words will never be able to articulate the transformation I have experienced. Since working together, I have received a complete re-education on how to live ~ in the way I relate to myself, to others and to the world around me.

There has been a reclamation of passion, purpose, pleasure and power, I have a new found sense of aliveness and ecstatic bliss permeating through my body, and I’ve never felt so safe, free and at ease to be me.”

Sasha Martineau 

Wait...there's even more! You'll get instant access to:

Fundamentals of Tantra


Whether you’re a beginner or experienced Tantric, this 3-part mini-course is packed with 6 hours of content and suitable for anyone who desires a powerful, loving, blissful, and intimate relationship with themselves and others, that covers:

Tantra for the Masculine


These 2 comprehensive guides for men will help to take control of their sexual responses and develop a more rewarding and fulfilling sexual experience. The practices outlined in these 2 ebooks can also be applied to the masculine in women, and cover:

Tantra transforms and it works for everyone who says YES to it.

This bundle is POWERFUL 🔥

The content is extraordinary ✨

And it’s the best deal you are going to get, out of all of our products 💸

If you’ve been wanting to finally transform your life – this is the answer to your prayers.

You'll Learn How To...

Cultivate the courage to face any fears and sabotaging beliefs that create a block to attracting abundance and wealth into your life

$2800 value!

“I decided to work with Chantelle because of the resonance I felt in my body from her writing and podcasts and was wanting to move through some LONG standing stuckness in my 9 year relationship.   Through working with her, I was finally able to end this relationship that was no longer serving either one of us.  

With her magical gifts, I healed my womb from past lovers and manifested a new partnership that feels so aligned and true for my next journey in love and intimacy.  I have gained confidence in the power of my vulnerability, sharing what I need, and leaning back and trusting my inner feminine.  

I have done a TON of work but it wasn’t until her guidance and support that I was able to make next level changes and transformation.   I would recommend this to people who have started the journey into self and are ready for massive upleveling and personal responsibility.  I believe it can help anyone who feels stuck in life, love, and intimacy and ready to live the life they know they are here for. ”

Heidi Revay

Get Instant Access to the Tantra Transformation Bundle Now

and learn tools you can use everyday to shift from stress, anxiety and fear, to passion, fun, playfulness and joy for life