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Aurika Valan

Aurika Valan

Aurika is a lead teacher at the Embodied Awakening Academy

Aurika Valan is a Women’s Intimacy Coach and Sexuality Educator. Her deepest soul’s calling is to create transformational spaces that enable people to experience the depth of their raw, uncensored Truth. Here, merging our sexuality, body, heart, and soul becomes an embodied form of prayer.

Originally from Lithuania, where Aurika is a leading sacred sexuality teacher, she mentors’ women from all over the world to awaken consciousness in their sexuality.

Aurika has been in the self-development field for over a decade now. However, it was only through discovering the spiritual depth and power of her emotions and sexuality that Aurika began to truly see a full life transformation encompassing her body, relationships, purpose, and service.

Aurika works with women long-term through 1:1 and group coaching, blending somatic methods, coaching, and Tantra, creating an EMBODIED transformation that lasts for the rest of their lives.

She is currently completing her book that will act as a comprehensive, practical guide for people desiring to integrate our sexuality into daily lives. Its purpose is to support people to reconnect to the wisdom of their bodies, experience spiritually profound love, and create relationships where they feel fully met.

Aurika has a particular interest in writing and languages (she speaks 5 languages fluently). She resides between Bali and Europe.