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Reclaim Your Sexual Innocence & Pleasure!

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Exercises For Sexual Healing

Reclaim Your Sexual Innocence & Pleasure!

Welcome to 5 Exercises for Sexual Healing!

Sexual energy is creative life force energy; it has the power to create life and it has the power to heal.

In this short course, Chantelle Raven guides practices to unlock your sexual essence and open to the healing power of love through self-connection, communication and foundational sacred sexuality practices.

Release the past to create freedom to explore sexuality, express from an open your heart, open to receive the love that is your birth-right. Learn how to create safety for yourself throughout your healing, powerful somatic express and release tools, communication tools and self-exploration practices.

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In this short course you will learn to:

  • Empower yourself to heal sexual trauma – through validating your story and sharing your experience with love
  • Create safety to explore sexuality – through healthy boundaries and communication practices
  • Reclaim your feminine power and sexual innocence – through powerful womb and energetic cleansing practices
  • Embrace orgasmic energy and the sacredness of sexuality  to unlock the power of embodied healing using love-making as a healing modality
  • Reclaim your ability to open to love – through breast/heart connection and self-pleasure practices

Your Instructor

Chantelle Raven

Founder & Lead Teacher

Chantelle has a passion for spiritual awakening, a deep love for people and a unique understanding of the psyche, the body and sexuality. She has been facilitating workshops and retreats in the field of spirituality and Tantra for almost 20 years.  A former teacher of personal development, she has spent the last 2 decades delving deeply into somatic therapy, shamanism, psychology, philosophy, meditation, self-inquiry, emotional freedom technique, and all things Tantra.

She is known internationally for her unique way of guiding students to embody their awakening; working directly with their human-experience as the foundation for lasting and practical life-change.

Raven is an accomplished Teacher, Practitioner and Entrepreneur whose teaching style is comprehensive and enlivening, yet down-to-earth.  Her expertise in sexual trauma, conscious relating, nervous system balancing, and kundalini awakening has seen 1000s of students lives deeply transformed in the areas of sexuality, relationships, personal-power, purpose & abundance, and self-realisation.

Founder of the Embodied Awakening Academy, her team of skilled professionals are dedicated to transformation, love and service. Together they have synthesised Raven’s wealth of knowledge and experience into comprehensive Tantra trainings, online courses, retreats, books, blogs, podcasts and You Tube videos.

Raven’s energy, knowledge and passion will inspire you to change the way you relate to all of life in ways that will remind you who you really are, and in turn become an inspiration for others to do the same.

Short Course Syllabus:


Validate Your Story

Empower yourself to heal sexual trauma through validating your story, and open to receive the love that is your birth-right.  Traumatic experiences look and feel different to everyone, but the impact can result in suffering in the present. Learn about types of trauma and techniques to express and release the hold of stress responses in the body and create safety to share your story.


Boundaries And Finding Your 'no'

Communication is key to preventing re-traumatisation and dissociation from the body during sexual experience. But first you have to find clarity on what kinds of touch and interactions you are a clear ‘NO’ to, and communicate these as boundaries. Practise healthy boundaries and communication to create safety to explore sexuality.


Womb Healing And Energetic Cleansing

Reclaim your feminine power and sexual innocence through powerful womb and energetic cleansing practices.  Release unwanted energies and experiences which have become trapped in the womb/body and let go of self-protection responses that no longer serve you.


Using Orgasmic Energy For Healing

Sexual energy is creative life force energy; it has the power to create life and it has the power to heal. Embrace the sacredness of sexuality to unlock the power of embodied healing using lovemaking as a healing modality.


Breast/heart Massage And Self Pleasure

Romanticise yourself and set sacred space to connect with your own body in loving and pleasurable ways. Open to feeling pleasure without agenda.  Release self-protective armouring and reclaim your ability to open to love through breast connection and self-pleasure practices.


Sacral Chakra Healing Meditation

This guided audio meditation can be used anytime you feel dense, unprocessed emotions within your being. The audio will guide to a space of loving awareness, compassion and self-love to allow whatever emotions or feelings need to come up to be healed and/or to clear away past lovers. Through completing this meditation regularly, you will notice a spaciousness that will allow life-force energy to flow into, cultivating new energies of creativity, intuition and passion in your life!

You'll receive

Studio-Video Teachings with Chantelle Raven

This high-quality video footage is engaging and full of insightful Tantric wisdom and theory. This foundational understanding of the content within each modules is necessary for the transformation process to begin. You can access the content any time and at your own pace – in the comfort of your own home.​

Tantric Embodiment Practices & Exercises

We want you to get the most out of this masterclass and true change happens through the body, not the mind alone.  In these videos, Chantelle will guide you through step-by-step practices and embodiment exercises to keep you on track and inspired!

Bonus Guided Audio Meditation

This bonus audio is a powerful companion to anchor the teachings into your everyday life.  Chantelle guides you through a profound experience that allows the course’s teachings to be received far beyond the mind. By integrating the content at a body-based level, lasting change takes place as your nervous system re-calibrates to a new way of being in the world. 

Life-Time Access to the Online Course Material

That’s right! This course is yours to keep for a lifetime! As we move through different cycles/stages in life it is extremely powerful to re-access this content when you need it the most. The teachings and practices are there for you at any time to deepen your spiritual journey, move through challenges, continue the expansion process, and to refresh and reset… all in the comfort of your own home.

*The content of this course contains coarse language & sexual themes

Yours for only

$ 97USD

A complete video-series for you to keep, forever!

Your Questions. Our Answers

The Short Course starts now and never ends! It’s a completely self-paced online Short Course – you decide when you start and when you finish.

How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this Short Course for as long as you like – across any and all devices you own.

There’s 5 parts and over of 55 minutes of video discourse which includes Tantric principles, practices and embodiment exercises! The bonus audio meditation is a fundamental Tantric practices which will deepen and enrich your life each time you practice it! So revisit this Short Course often for maximum benefit!