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Larinda Lehman

Larinda Lehman

Larinda serves as an Operations Manager and a Tantric Practitioner

Larinda has spent the last decade working within tech to help businesses scale to become more profitable and efficient. After working corporate jobs for almost a decade and getting burned out on her job and realizing that many of the decisions she made weren’t done consciously she decided to travel to find a more balanced life. She landed in Costa Rica in 2011 and was awaken to a new type of living that allowed in so much more joy that she was forever changed into a life of self-development.

Larinda was given an amazing opportunity to take an IT job in Thailand which turned into a beautiful opportunity to travel and still work with her comfort zone of tech and push new limits to understand international business culture. During this time in Thailand, she was able to acclimate to the slower life and un condition herself from the stresses that come along with working for large companies. She slowly began her own slow journey into all different modalities for understanding the human experience from Human Design, Enneagram, Astrology, Reiki, TRE and Attachment Theory.

Getting involved with the Academy and taking the practitioner training has really transformed the way she works with trauma responsiveness and ability to help others. It has inspired her to continue to focus her life in this way to devote herself to the academy and the work.