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Finding Passion in Business


When I see people spending most of their lives in a job that they hate, thinking that they have to endure that, I feel really sad.  When we are deciding what to study at university we go to a career’s counselor, we look at the list of options in front of us, or, we talk to our elders and friends and try to decide what we’re going to do, all from the mind. Often this can lead us to a job that we don’t like or a sense of confusion, not knowing what we want to do.

Think back to when you were at high school and you were deciding what you wanted to do with your life. 

Did anybody ask you “What is it that you value?  What is it that you love?  What is it that puts a spring in your stride?  What is it that you love to talk about and that excites you or lights you up?”  Probably not.

Think back to how you decided to get involved in the job that you’re doing now? 

How did you decide to apply for that first real important job or your degree that you entered?  Was it because your heart was beating so passionately about this job or career path? Was it because you knew, more than anything else, that this is what you had to do because it excited you and lit you up?  Or was it because you didn’t know what else to do?

Most of us were taught to rock up to a job, work for someone else and then come home and not really think beyond our tasks.  But it is possible to move into what you love and to build a routine around that so that the energy that you’re putting in comes back to you in abundance.

How can Tantra help me turn my passions & values into a job?

Tantra can teach you how to trust your intuition, go with the flow and really feel from your heart what is it that you are meant to do in this world.  Through Tantra, you can learn how to live the life that you love and turn your passions and your values into action, which will then create a business that is abundant and overflowing, so you can earn a lot of money living the life that you love.

So how do I find my purpose?

All you need to do is feel into your heart.  Your heart knows what you are meant to do in the world.  What you want to do is what you value, what you’re passionate about, what you love.  It’s what you would do even if you weren’t getting paid for it.  It’s something that gets you up and out of bed in the morning because you want to learn more about it and give to others from that place of passion.

So, first, ask yourself questions that matter:

What do you value? 

What excites you? 

What lights you up? 

What is your skill set? 

Once you have found the answers to these questions you can build a business around that.  What you discover is the key to whatever it is you’re meant to be doing in the world. You don’t have to have a job that you don’t like; you don’t have to do things just for the sake of it.  You can start living a life that you love sharing with people whatever it is that you’re passionate about and make a lot of money doing it.

If you find answering the above questions a little difficult, think about someone’s life who you look at and think “Wow, look at the life they’ve created for themselves.  I’d really like to do what they are doing.” Even if its someone you don’t know or its a star, try to think of someone who you consider to be living a great life.

Consider that that could be you!

We all have the potential to live a life of greatness, to live a life that we love.  But whether we do that depends on whether or not we’re willing to break out of the conditioning that most people in society live in i.e.  that we have to do the tough haul: get out of bed, do a job we don’t really like, earn money and work until retirement where we finally can enjoy our lives.

We don’t have to wait until retirement to enjoy our lives if we build a business on our passion!

Building a lucrative business

There is a lot of people in the spiritual world that are wanting to act on their visions and on their heart callings but who have no idea on how to build a lucrative business around that.  If you combine your skill set, your values, and your passion with some great business strategies, you can start to take action to create a life you love.

The next important item is making the changes in your life to start moving towards your passion!  This is the most challenging part, as you might be leaving a high paying job or reducing your hours at work.  Not many people succeed here because they haven’t set themselves up with an action plan or implemented good business techniques and strategies.  You want to be the most efficient here and remain in your ease to keep driving forward to creating permanent shifts in your life!

In my upcoming course: Mastery and Purpose, we’re going to go through all these techniques and strategies we all should have been taught in school; time prioritisation, creating routine, turning your passions into actions, balancing work and play and learning how to live a life that you love instead of a life that’s filled with obligation, confusion, non-motivation and slugging it out.  It is possible to infuse your life with a passionate, motivated energy that makes you want to get out of bed and go to work in the morning!

I invite you to join us next week in Perth (details below) and discover how to live in your ease, joy and power and earn money while you’re doing it.

People are doing it, right?  So why are you any different?

Event details HERE

Enquiries: [email protected]

Chantelle Raven

Chantelle Raven

Chantelle raven is a gifted healer and sought after international speaker on sacred relationship and sacred sexuality. Her mission is providing education in radical self-responsibility and the sacred dance of masculine and feminine within and without.